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The Whitepaper application form template can be downloaded from the Programme Details page.
Yes, it is mandatory that PI/user makes contact with overseas beamline scientist to first discuss on the feasibility of the experiment/project to be carried out at the overseas synchrotron before submitting a Whitepaper application to SG-ISAP.
Files must either be in PDF or DOCX format. Each file should not exceed 5MB in size.
Each CV should not be more than 3 pages. Please ensure to include information on your research and beamline usage experience. (Beamline usage can be in SSLS or in other synchrotrons.)
Results of Whitepaper applications will be made known to PIs/users, via email, about 1 month after the closing date.
a) Applicants must be Singapore-based researchers i.e. holding full-time employment in research/academics/related work or are students affiliated to local institutions, IHLs, A*STAR. They are required to submit their CVs for our verification. They are also to declare their appointment status in their affiliations in the Whitepaper application form.
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